6 Steps how to do Ujjayi Pranayama

6 Steps how to do Ujjayi Pranayama

6 Steps how to do Ujjayi Pranayama

6 Steps how to do Ujjayi Pranayama

 This breathing technique helps calm the mind and warm the body. Breathing deeply in yoga can actually help you avoid injury breathing this way increases the capacity of the lungs.
Ujjayi Breathing the technique is very helpful for thyroid and all throat related problems, Ujjayi Pranayama also termed as Ujjayi Breath. “Ujjayi” means “victory” and “Pranayama” means ‘expansion of Prana energy’. Another name of Ujjayi Breath, Ujjayi Pranayama, Ujjayi Breathing, Victorious Breath Ujjayi Breathing is also helpful in treating chronic cold, cough, indigestion, liver problems, fever, and other diseases.

So today we're gonna learn about ujjayi pranayama but first we're gonna learn how to practice pre ujjayi pranayama from pre ujjayi pranayama I mean that the basic steps so that you can involve your neck muscles your glottis in this whole process for that first this is the technique I am going to give you is to learn to involve these muscles and all those things which are involved in this technique pre ujjayi pranayama.

6 Steps how to do Ujjayi Pranayama

6 Steps how to do Ujjayi Pranayama

So let’s start ujjayi pranayama

1. First of all, you need to open your mouth and exhale and why exhaling you need to make a sound of air from your mouth.

2. The second thing is to inhale in the same fashion while making a sound keeping your mouth open and inhaling that's the second step.

3. The third step is to put your tongue underneath your feet and keep your mouth open and the same again you need to inhale this is your third step.

6 Steps how to do Ujjayi Pranayama

6 Steps how to do Ujjayi Pranayama

4. The next the step is to just simply shut your mouth and inhale through your nostrils very easy and while doing so you need to make the sound the same sound you were making earlier by taking a heavy breath, this is the basic technique to learn how to involve these muscles and your vocal cords before you practice ujjayi you must try your hands how to involve these muscles now this is not ujjayi is what I'm going to tell you now you know....

5. In ujjayi you simply sit and sew Cosmo or any comfortable position and you while inhaling you are making the same sound but in intensity wise, I would say a little bit higher first, you need to inhale then you need to tuck your chin to your throat bed.

6. The next the step is slowly keeping your neck straight and exhaling through your neck left nostril keep your right now keep your right thumb at the bottom of your right nostril so that you can easily flow so that you can easily you know exhale through your left nostrils put a very light pressure on the right nostril don't be hard on it.

so this these steps inhaling making the sound keeping the lock and exhaling through the left nostril that's the whole ujjayi pranayama, before you practice with ujjayi pranayama, need to practice how to include these muscles and your cervical cavity and your blood is your vocal cords into this whole process.

This ujjayi pranayama is very helpful in various diseases where it's disorders like thyroid hypo or hyper doesn't matter your sleep apnea snoring and where is of the disease is something which is not a disease but a disorder I would say something like emotional imbalance which is regulated by the thyroid gland right so you need to keep it strong.

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